Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Discussion time!

I wanted to do a double post today recommending products I love but since USPS has lost my package I figured I could write about something personal and share some things with you guys. Right now I'm at a kind of hectic transition in my life. I'm moving to Chicago and attending a new school. I really don't know anyone in this city so I'm just putting myself out there and hoping for the best. On top of that I have a little one to also take care of. So, sometimes I can find myself a little overwhelmed, but when I find myself feeling stressed or worried there's a couple things I do to help out. These usually help me get back grounded and focused so I figured why not share! 

Number one: I WRITE IN A NOTEBOOK! Or even read. Anyone that personally knows me knows I love to read. It relaxes me. When I feel like my brain has went into complete over load and I can't even sort through my thoughts I write them out. Sometimes I scribble, sometimes I wrote journal entries. Sometimes I just write random sentences all over the paper. It really makes me feel better. 

Number two: I get out in the sun! The sun works wonders for my mood. I never knew this until I lived in Seattle lol. Anytime the sun would come out i would try to be out as much soaking it up. So even now when it's a sunny day or I'm feeling down I get out in the sun and it literally brightens(pun intended lol) my day! 

Number three: I call my friends or family and talk to them about how I'm feeling. This is something I'm just starting to do. I usually keep my feelings to myself and don't share to much about what's going on in my life. I've reached a point though where I've realized the best people to talk to and give you advice are the ones close to you! I use to worry so much about being judged if I felt stressed or upset but everyone has been there. And nothing can get you through it better than a good ol' fashioned TALK. That's it. Most times after venting and talking about a problem I'm having I feel happier and a weight lifted off my shoulders! 

Number four: Time alone! Time alone is very much needed. To unwind, to do all the things you like to do when you're by yourself. To just have some peace and quiet. At the end of a long day there is nothing I enjoy more than getting into bed and having my solitude. Simple.



  1. I loved this. If you need anything you can always call im a good listener also chicago isnt that far from me. Weve always been able to talk. Love and miss you. Keep doing you


how do you feel ?